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Benign Lesions

Harmless, Unsightly, Asymptomatic, Non-cancerous

Insurance companies view benign removals as cosmetic, not “medically necessary”, and therefore are not typically covered by insurance. Our office strives for reasonable fee schedules (pricing) for cosmetic removals. Schedule a consultation today, it is more affordable than you think!

All lesions will be formally evaluated to ensure they are benign before cosmetic removal.

Types of Benign Lesions

  • Normal Moles

  • Skin Tags
  • Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)
  • Milia
  • Cherry Angiomas
  • Dermatofibromas
  • Seborrheic Keratosis
  • Some types of cysts


What treatments are available for moles?

Moles (nevi) can usually be removed quite easily by our dermatology provider. There are two ways to remove moles:

Shave Removal

This method is commonly used for raised moles. I am The skin has been numbed and the mole is removed leaving the base flat. Typically this method leaves an inconspicuous scar, about the size of the original mole. You should allow approximately two weeks for healing.


This method is commonly used for flat moles. A few stitches are used to close the wound to ensure the resulting scar will be as minimal as possible.

Most improvement occurs within the first 3-5 months. Keep in mind that surgical scars can take a full year before reaching their final appearance.  

Skin Tags

What are skin tags?

Skin tags are small, soft skin growths that can occur anywhere on the body. They are harmless but can be irritating.

Which areas of the body are most affected by skin tags?

Commonly they are located where skin rubs against skin or clothing, such as on the neck, underarms, eyelids, within body folds, under the breasts, or in the groin area. In some cases, skin tags may be associated with obesity and genetic factors also appear to play a role.

What treatments are available for skin tags?

Skin tags can be painlessly removed in our office. We offer topical and regional numbing prior to skin tag removal to ensure complete patient comfort during the procedure. Little to no downtime is associated with skin tag removal. Band-Aids may be placed in the area of removal, and a small scab may be present in the area of removal for several days before the skin completely heals. Treated skin tags usually do not recur but an individual predisposed to skin tag formation may develop more in the future. Skin tags may be removed through a variety of means:

  • Liquid Nitrogen Freezing (referred to as Cryosurgery)
  • Hyfrecation
  • Shave excision
  • Snip excision (scissors)

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)

What is DPN?

Dermatosis papulosa Nigra (also known as DPN) is characterized by small brown or black spots that are on the skin around the cheekbones and eyes. The dark spots may also be found on other areas of the face, neck, chest, and back. Some people with dermatosis papulosa nigra have a few, isolated spots while others have hundreds of spots. The spots may be flat or hang off the skin like a skin tag. The spots are neither cancerous nor medically concerning, but they may be itchy, irritating, or cosmetically undesired. They are often referred to as ‘moles’ but they are not true moles by definition. This condition occurs most frequently in skin of color. Women are more likely to develop this condition than men. The cause of dermatosis papulosa nigra is unknown.

What treatments are available for DPN?

  • Shave excision
  • Cryosurgery
  • Electrodesiccation
  • Curettage
  • Dermabrasion

The cost of treatment depends on the number of spots and the size of the area to be treated. Since treatment is usually performed for cosmetic reasons removal of these benign lesions is not covered by insurance and is an out-of-pocket expense.​


What is Milia?

Unlike acne, you can’t pop milia (not that you should ever try that with your pimples) because they are comprised of a protein called keratin. You may have heard of keratin and how it relates to hair, but keratin also makes up your skin’s outermost layer and can build up over time, leading to bumps. Milia occur when the skin cells don’t turn over rapidly enough and a buildup of keratin—a protein found in the skin—hardens and becomes trapped.

What treatments are available for Milia?

Milia do not need to be treated unless they are a cause for concern for the patient. They sometimes clear up by themselves within a few months. When removing milia trauma should be minimized to reduce scarring.

  • The lesion may be de-roofed using a sterile blade and the contents squeezed or pricked out.
  • They may be destroyed using diathermy, curettage, cryotherapy, or a plasma pen.
  • For widespread lesions, topical retinoids may be helpful.
  • Chemical peels, dermabrasion, and laser ablation have been reported to be effective when used for very extensive milia.

Cherry Angiomas

What are Cherry Angiomas?

Cherry angiomas are benign (harmless) proliferations of blood vessels that appear as red bumps, most commonly on the upper trunk, although they may arise anywhere on the body, face or scalp. They rarely appear on the hands or feet. Occasionally, cherry angiomas can appear purplish or be confused for a mole. They are usually small in size but vary from 0.5 to about 6 mm in size. The number of cherry angiomas increases with age; many patients aged 30 or over have a few on their skin. These skin spots bleed when traumatized. A dermatologic evaluation is required to distinguish cherry angiomas from a mole or skin cancer.

What treatments are available for Cherry Angiomas?

  • Hyfrecation for small to medium angiomas

  • Shave removal ​for large angiomas


What is a Dermatofibroma?

A dermatofibroma is a common benign skin nodule that most often arises on the skin of the lower legs. They are harmless and seldom cause symptoms. Usually, only reassurance is needed.

If it is nuisance because of itching, tenderness or it is frequently traumatized by shaving the lesion can be removed surgically.

Seborrheic Keratosis

What is a Seborrheic Keratosis (SK's)?

Seborrheic keratosis is a harmless warty spot that appears during adult life as a common sign of skin aging. They are frequently referred to as “age spots” and many patients confuse them with nevi ("moles").  As you age, seborrheic keratoses may become very numerous. Some people inherit a tendency to develop a large number of them.

What treatments are available for SK's?

An individual seborrheic keratosis can easily be removed if desired. Reasons for removal may be that it is unsightly, itchy, or catches on clothing.

Methods include:

  • Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) for thinner lesions (repeated if necessary)​
  • Curettage and/or electrocautery
  • Shave removal (shaving off with a scalpel)

We are here to help

Call us to speak to a member of our patient service team today!

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